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And So It Begins

Well, it’s time for cross over.

No, not in a ghost sort of way, though I do like the movie Casper. In a theatre way. For those of you who are not familiar with the world of sequins, fake eyelashes, and tap shoes, let me explain.

Right now, between the mainstage show and the children’s theatre show, I’m doing eleven to twelve shows a week. Now, between those shows, I have nine days to learn a new, full-length musical.

The basic schedule is 10 am to 10 pm. So morning rehearsal, run to the matinee performance, afternoon rehearsal, run to the evening show. Then the light at the end of the tunnel is tech week where the two shows I’m doing now will have closed and I’ll only have to worry about the one show I desperately tried to pound into my skull for nine days.

So, pretty much, sorry if I miss out on everything in life except eating, sleeping, showering, and theatre. I swear I love you all. Comments are my favorite. I really do want to hear from you on social media. But I’m just going to try and keep my head above water for the next week and a bit.

If you find you’re missing my writing too much to wait, The Girl Without Magic is on sale for only a few more days for $0.99 through all major online retailers. Click the links below to get your copy before time runs out!

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